
August 07, 2006

Sand is not as soft as it looks...

Well, I was bucked off today for the first time at the new farm (and the first time in almost five years!), so I joined the club. Jamie, Eric, Luke, and our friends Kate and Sandy have all come off in the new arena, so I was one of the only ones left. Still, we've been here for almost 12 weeks, at an average of 20 rides per week, means I made it almost 250 rides without coming off.

I was riding Sundae, the most advanced of the young ones I've started since coming here. He was lazy and easy-going when I warmed him up on the ground, and fine when I got on. Then we started walking down towards the end of the arena, he saw something, leaped sideways and then started bucking. I stayed on for the first four hops, but was already off-balance because of the leap. I came off and landed hard on my hip and shoulder, as well as somehow managing to fill my helmet with sand. I think I'll be washing it out of my hair for days! Sundae bucked three more times, then stopped and walked right over to me. I did a little more work on the ground, during which he was lazy again and showed no signs of wanting to buck at all. Then I got back on and we walked, trotted and cantered around the arena, and he was fine! So I don't know what his deal was!

At first I thought I had popped my shoulder out of joint, but although my arm has felt quite weak the rest of the day, it's fine. My hip is incredibly sore and I'll be limping around for a couple of days, but by the weekend I should be none the worse for wear. I can tell you one thing - he won't ever get me off again!

Other than that, things have been going well here. We only have one more week of Dorset left, and although it's been fun, we're all looking forward to coming home. We got a couple of new horses in - one boarder that will hopefully be here long-term. They seem to be a nice family with a (quite tall) 11-year-old girl and her new Thoroughbred gelding. There's also a very cute pony here for training this week. Next week we have 5 or 6 new training horses coming, most of whom will be here for a month. Jamie's trying to capitalize on the time left she has to ride, because by mid-September she'll have to stay on the ground.

We continue to love our church, and are really enjoying two other young couples who we've spent several evenings with and always hang around talking to after church.

We're still waiting on the house we're supposed to move into. Please pray that things will work out, as the owner and her foreman seem to keep stalling or just not doing anything about it. We're getting really tired of it all and are going to start looking for some other options once the show's over and I have a little more time.

Well, I'm going to grab some dinner, some ibuprofen, and some ice! Take care and let us know how y'all are doing.



Nicole said...

It seems as though you guys are doing really well! Sorry to read about the fall and I'm glad it's nothing more than sore muscles! I'm glad that you've found a church where you have met some friends. That's so important for both your spiritual growth and your marriage!!

Melanie said...

Tell Luke that he has some massagin' to do! :-) Things are busy in Charlotte! Patrick and I are preparing to move to Tennessee next month. Stay posted to my blog for details. I hope you continue to heal from your fall and that you're back in the saddle quickly!

Unknown said...

Ooof. Did you see what the horse spooked at?

We are in the midst of massive end-of-summer cleaning here today. It is a bit tricky what with Jonathan crawling around and trying to eat things he shouldn't. The other boys are complaining that I'm working them too hard. Does any of this sound familiar? ;-)

Anonymous said...


I've falled off at a 2.5 jump and hit the hard ground while also landing in the jump...Not pleasant.