
October 01, 2006

House Hunting and Good Friends

Would y'all pray for us? After several months spent fruitlessly waiting for a promised rental to be ready for us, Luke and I moved on about a month ago and have started looking for other places to live. We had waited so long because this place seemed perfect, but the people kept delaying getting work done on it so our move-in date kept getting moved back, then they wanted to charge us more money than they originally said, so after several frustrating months, we are looking for something else. We would prefer to buy, and actually looked at a house this weekend that seems like it would be great for us. But whether this house works out or we find another one, we just want to be in our own place soon. We are incredibly thankful for the hospitality of those we've stayed with, but are very ready to have our own home again!

Since we're house-hunting, we're also mortgage-hunting, and this is where we really need prayer. Most lenders are a little wary, as Luke is self-employed and has only been so since May (they want him to have been self employed for anywhere from 6 months - 2 years!) and I am also relatively new in my job. So we're talking to several different companies and local banks and asking friends in the area for recommendations on good lenders.

Speaking of friends, Luke and I are so thankful for the one thing in our lives that has been stable and wonderful for the past few months: our church. We found it shortly after moving here, and have greatly enjoyed getting to know the people and becoming part of the body at Coila Church. There are several younger couples that we have gotten together with and we all have a lot of fun together. There are also many delightful families and older people in the church, so it's a great mix. We are part of a great Sunday school class on marriage, and are enjoying the bi-weekly "home fellowship" meetings on Sunday nights: a small group of (mostly older) people get together in someone's home, spend an hour and a half in study and prayer (right now they're finishing up The Purpose Driven Life), and then share a potluck meal. It's been great to spend time with smaller groups of people in the church, and everyone has been incredibly welcoming and friendly. Praise God for the members of His body He places in our lives at just the right time! Here's a huge hug and "thank you" to everyone who has been placed in our lives at one time or another as a friend and encouragement to us. We hope to give the same to others. We love y'all!

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