
November 12, 2006

A House of Our Own

Well, it's taken me awhile to post this amidst all the craziness, but we are now homeowners!!! We closed on Wednesday afternoon, moved some clothes and other things over Thursday, and spent several hours this evening trying to scrape old wallpaper off the kitchen and living room walls. We're house-sitting at Camp DuBoff this week, so we won't actually move in until Saturday evening, which is nice because it gives us some time to get organized.

We are also hoping to paint the kitchen and living room before we move in. After tonight, that may be an ambitious goal, but we're going to try! We discovered this evening that the kitchen has not one, but three layers of wallpaper on the walls. And the living room has not three, but SIX layers of old wallpaper!!! Most of it actually started coming off fairly easily in the living room, although it's somewhat disconcerting because it feels like you're taking a whole chunk of the wall off! But the bottom layer is pretty sticky, so we may have to get a steamer for that. We'll see. We don't have internet or anything set up yet, so updates may be spotty for awhile, but I'll try and stay up to date as much as possible.


Nicole said...

That is so EXCITING!! Congratulations and happy moving in!! We want to see pictures!!

Unknown said...


Happy for you guys!

Nicole said...

We want to see pictures!!

ed elliott said...

Hi dear Erin,

It's Uncle Eddie. Congrats on your 1st house. Wow, i still mostly see you as two, blonde as a Scandinavian, sitting in my apt. in a little red dress that i gave you when you were still in Kenya.

I've had a great time reading your posts and Beth's at her blog. I have a blog too: but it's not folksy and you can't leave comments---but you might enjoy it when you have time to concentrate...

YOU ARE BLESSED!...don't let all this good stuff on Earth steal your zeal for the has happened to some of my best Christian friends, who slide into "the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches" and the Word is choked and stops bearing hard to "set your affections on things above." This will always be Uncle Eddie's counsel to you.

ed elliott said...

Hi dear Erin,

It's Uncle Eddie. Congrats on your 1st house...Wow, I still see you as two years old, blonde as a Scandinavian, and sitting in my apt. in a red dress that Lindele and I gave you when you still lived in Kenya.

I have been enjoying reading your posts and Beth's at her blog. I have a blog too: but it is not folksy and you can't leave comments...but if you have a little time to concentrate, you might enjoy it.

YOU ARE BLESSED! But don't let the stuff down here corrode your ZEAL FOR HIS GLORY. I've had good, Christian friends who allowed "the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches" to choke the Word and it doesn't bear much fruit after hard to set your affections above. This will always be Uncle Eddie's counsel to you.