
March 23, 2007

We're Back!

Well, after a long hiatus, we're finally back online. Luke called earlier in the week and set up an installation for today, so now we'll be able to keep up better and keep everyone posted on life in the far north. The past few months have been filled with frozen buckets and water tanks, slippery roads and driveways (whose idea was it anyway to put the barn at the TOP of the hill...), gale force winds, hot chocolate, hats and gloves, five layers of long underwear, steaming horses, and one very special baby! Our friend (and boss) Jamie had her son on Jan. 17th. Cole Jackson is now over 11 pounds and has started making day trips up to the barn on days when the temperature gets above 40. He is absolutely adorable and has been a very sweet, though not always easy, baby.

Our kitchen is painted now, thanks to a visit from Luke's parents, who were a HUGE blessing! Our horses are doing well, although poor Paladin was neglected most of the winter while I was busy doing all the riding for both Jamie and myself, since she was great with child. We are tired at the end of every day and just coming into a very busy training season, but we still enjoy our work and love living in this beautiful, though not always cooperative, area of the country. We look forward to being more in touch in the months to come!


beth said...

Yeah!!! Welcome back, sweetie!! I can't wait to see some more pictures now. Love you lots.

Melanie said...

Glad to see you're back in the blogging world. Like your mom, I'd love to see the "after" pics of your remodling efforts. I'm sure everything looks beautiful.

Unknown said...

Welcome back, Erin! Glad to see you blogging again.

Cole was born on Cameron's 6th birthday :-).

beth said...

Tag, sweetie. Maybe this will get you to post your "once every three months" blog entry! Go to my blog for details....

Love you,