
October 20, 2010


Since we arrived here Friday night, Luke was with us our first two mornings, which was wonderful! He would head out to feed the horses while I got Clara up, then come in and feed the dogs while I got breakfast ready for the humans. But Monday morning he had to leave early for work, so Clara and I were on our own. I admit, I was a little nervous and wasn't sure how it would all work. Breakfast for 9 animals and 2 people is a bit of a production.

The five horses each have their own grain bucket in the barn. They get grain and supplements in the morning, and the oldest guy, Dan, gets his grain wet and mushy to make it easier for him to eat. Then, a bale and a half of hay have to be put in the feeders out in the big pasture to supplement the little grass that is left this time of year.

After three days of feeding on our own, Clara and I have a system down. First we head to the barn and make up the grain for the horses. Then Clara goes in the backpack and we put grain in Charlie and Jubil's buckets (they're always the first in the barn, and their stalls are farthest inside). Once we're ready we call the horses in. As they come in, we shut them each in their little areas and give the other three their grain. After everyone is shut in and munching happily, we close up the grain bins, take Clara out of the backpack and head over to the EZ-go. Luke has been loading the hay in the back for us before he leaves, which is wonderful! We drive through the pasture, up to the feeders, and Clara sits in the back with the hay while I prop the feeders open and fill them. Once we're done we drive back down, let the horses out of their stalls (they're done eating by this time) and fill any water buckets that are getting low. Then we head back to the house.

Once inside, Clara goes in her high chair while I get breakfast for the dogs. Jeb gets very excited about food to the exclusion of any awareness of little people, so Clara needs to be up out of the way so she doesn't get knocked over. Both dogs get kibble, several vitamins and other supplements, and a little wet food to top it all off. Jeb wolfs his down as fast as possible. Fanny eats daintily and rarely finishes.

The cats are the easiest - their bowl of dry food just has to be refilled, and if one of them is around begging, they get some wet food. Otherwise, they're on their own.

Whew! Feeding all those animals can sure make a person hungry! Once they're satisfied Clara and I dig into our own breakfasts - usually some combination of oatmeal, yogurt and applesauce. Mmmmm, full bellies all 'round.

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