
September 30, 2011

Evening Routine

Clara has come up with a new evening routine lately. Luke walks in the door and she yells, "Daddy's HOME!!!" *running up to him* "How was your day, Daddy?"
"Fine baby, how was your day?"
"Daddy play game with me in my bedroom!"
"What game do you want to play?"
"BLUE GAME! Daddy come tickle me!"
She then follows him around like a puppy while he washes his hands and oftentimes changes his clothes, chattering to him the whole time. They proceed to play hide and seek, catch and tickle, ring around the rosies and any other rough and tumble, silly willy, giggle-producing games they can think up. After dinner the routine is exactly the same:
"I'm all done, ready to get down. Daddy come play game with me in my room! Blue game! Come tickle me!"

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