
April 04, 2012

Small Spaces

In addition to my bigger veggie plots I have a couple of small garden spaces that were here when we moved in (all the veggie beds I have created). There's this lovely little spot out front by the crab apple tree:

It has daffodils which come up every year and a large cluster of peonies that take over and surround the daffodils and produce beautiful white blooms tinged with fuchsia. The area between the peonies and the apple tree, however, has always been a little problematic. It is a very shady area, the soil is heavy and not particularly good and, since 98% of my attention and gardening time is spent on the food-producing sections of the garden, by mid-summer it is usually overrun with weeds and not much to look at. I'd love to do more with this area this summer and really turn it into something beautiful. I'll be adding manure and maybe some sand too and I'd love suggestions on pretty, shade loving perennials (not hostas, I have enough of them already!).

Then there's this little spot by the door to Luke's shop. The vibrant green in the corner is my boisterous chive plant which is always quite large and I never make very good use of. There are some asiatic and oriental lilies that come up in the back and are huge and beautiful in July and early August; in front of them is an astilbe my mom gave me several years ago. The remaining area in front of the astilbe is also sort of a mess come summer - a mix of some random ground cover and weeds that doesn't look particularly attractive. I'd love to put some other things in here, just have to figure out what! Some perennial herbs would be lovely. Suggestions?

Then, Clara and I added this new little space a couple of weeks ago. It is right out next to the driveway in front of the garage. It gets tons of sun and I'm planning to put some sunflowers here. I hope they will be lots of fun!

So those are my "extras" - the spots that need a little TLC but don't get it because I'm too busy raising produce and a kiddo. But now that the kiddo is big enough to enjoy helping more, I'm hoping to give them all a little makeover this summer!

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