
May 13, 2008

Our Yard

This morning I took some pictures of the beautiful crab apple trees in our back and front yards, and the beginnings of some gardens I put in last fall. I hope to continue the work this summer and have many more blooms next spring!

The tree in the back yard, with some of its blossoms:

The front tree - actually two that have grown together, creating a beautiful combination of white and pink blooms (and my peonies coming up underneath!):

The front garden by our driveway - asiatic and glory lilies in the back, astilbe in the middle, and chives and some little white and yellow ground cover in the front. Morning glories also climb up the railing in the summer!

The hasta plants I put in last fall in the side yard are starting to come up:Sadie keeps watch over the yard while I check the gardens and take pictures. :)


beth said...

The crabapples are beautiful and you have peonies! I hope they're blooming when we're there. That's something I don't have and want to get this spring. I love them and they'll always remind me of New England. Do you remember the beautiful ones we had on the top of our hill on Berkshire Drive? And I always remember the huge crabapple tree that was in the Harro's front yard. Do you have any lilacs at your house? Are they blooming around there yet?

What are we going to work on when we're there? Any projects in mind?

Can't wait to be there!

Erin said...

I don't know if the peonies will be blooming yet when you're here, it seems to me they bloomed a little later last year. I do remember the ones on Berkshire Drive :)

Sadly, I don't have any lilacs. I love them and wish I did, but the crabapples almost make up for it. Lilacs are blooming here, just not in my yard.

I want to work in the side gardens (under the pine trees, where the hastas are) while you're here and figure out what to put in front of the house. I'd also love to find a spot to do a small vegetable garden next year and start getting set up for it. :) I can't wait to have you here!