
January 10, 2009

Winter Wonderland (or Chill Zone!)

Welcome to the Northeast, home of the "frozen chosen" - how may I help you?

I'm not complaining, I promise. I chose to live here and I chose to work at a job which requires me to be outside in the elements when most people wouldn't even think of venturing to the mailbox. Plus, I am fortunate in that I have a wonderful husband and friends who outfitted me very well this winter: from new insulated Carhartt bibs and good winter boots to ultra-warm Nike long-underwear, instant hand-warmers and toe-warmers and extra-soft fleece-lined gloves (thank you Luke, Ilona, Sandy and Jamie!) I am wrapped up from head to toe and my body stays quite warm no matter what the weather throws at me. I am thankful. I even enjoy the brisk feeling in the air, the cool light in the sky and the feeling of sucking cold air into warm lungs.

However, -4 real temperature with winds on top of that? You've got to be kidding me. This morning I watched in dismay as my car's thermometer dropped... and dropped... the closer we got to the barn. 6:35 - positive 1 at my house. 6:45 - 0 in Hoosick Falls. 6:55 - -2 in Buskirk picking up Vidal. 7:10 - -4 at the barn as we start our workday. Sure, I was warm, but after putting just 4 horses outside I wasn't sure if I still had a face or if it had fallen off somewhere by the pastures! The horses that live outside were covered with frost wherever they weren't already covered by a blanket - even the long winter fuzz on their necks was stiff and white! Logan (Luke's horse) looked like he had had his tips professionally done! This is when I profusely thank God for a heated tack room to thaw out in and a home made toasty by the woodstove my husband stoaked high before leaving for the afternoon.

Despite the cold, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty it brought along - trees, fences, horses all transformed to glittering white by the hard frost, snow singing underfoot as horses squeaked across it towards their pastures, crisp air and a beautiful sunrise shining through the clear, cold sky. I wished I had my camera, but I doubt it would've worked in the cold! But I do have pictures from the incredible ice storm we had in December, which I will post as well.

1 comment:

beth said...

Brrrrrr! That's all I have to say. I can hardly believe we live on the same planet because the other day, when I was in Davidson, I saw forsythia blooming. Also, my silly daffodils are showing three inch green tips already. Too early.

I think your cold is more normal! You are a hardy, strong soul - in more ways than one.

Love you dear heart,