
June 13, 2006

Fulfilling my responsibilities ;)

Okay Nicole, I'm finally getting around to your tag! Sorry it's taken so long...


Four jobs I have had in my life:

1. Babysitter (imagine that! ;))
2. Horse farm worker (several different farms throughout HS)
3. Summer Missions Program Core Staff (at Gordon)
4. Barn Manager and Training Assistant

Movies I would watch over and over:

1. Out of Africa (Kenya and Meryl Streep... it doesn't get much better than that!)
2. You've Got Mail (daisies are definitely the friendliest flowers!)
3. Emma (I love the hair-dos!)
4. Hmm... it's late and I'm blanking right now. I'll come back and update when I think of something else (which will probably happen when I'm lying in bed tonight trying to fall asleep!)

Four Places I have lived:

1. Nairobi, Kenya
2. Alexandria, VA
3. Williamstown, MA
4. Ndu, Cameroon

Four TV shows I love to watch:

Hmm, this is hard since I don't watch much TV, but junior year when I lived with a bunch of other girls we enjoyed:
1. Friends (borrowing as many DVD seasons as possible!)
2. What Not to Wear
3. Cooking shows on the Food Network (I watched these a bunch while we were housesitting last summer in MT), especially Rachel Ray.
4. Yep, that's pretty much it for me. I'm not much of a TV girl...

Four websites I visit daily:

Right now? I don't even get on the web every day! At school though, these were definite dailies:

1. Exchange - the Gordon email server. This is still my top one.
2. The Generous Wife
3. Go.Gordon - the student info page
4. Blogs

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. Surfside, SC (next to Myrtle Beach)
2. England - London and Stratford-on-Avon (sort of... it was also for school, but felt like vacation!)
3. The Smokies of Tennessee
4. Shenandoah

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Cheesecake
2. My grandmother's banana bread
3. Good carrot cake with cream cheese frosting
4. Anything my mom makes (except fried okra!) - in the summer, particularly corn relish

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. In bed!
2. Anywhere in Europe (particularly Italy, England again, or France/Paris)
3. On a tropical island somewhere
4. On a fancy horse


Unknown said...

I used to watch "what not to wear," during the two months we had cable TV (for the sake of the Red Sox in the playoffs). I liked it too but it always made me feel like a frump!

Erin said...

Hehe, I know! I always felt like I needed to go shopping afterwards, but needed the help to buy the right clothes. :P I figure the only opinion that really matters is Luke's, and he seems to like my choices. :)

Nicole said...

I like anything your mom makes, too! If anyone were to persuade me to become a vegetarian, it would be here!!

Anonymous said...

Heh sory 'bout the last post.I don't think you would know me but I know the Pinkney's. We go to the same church together.Anyways, I love to watch "What Not to Wear" because I like to see how the people look afterwards. :D