
June 13, 2006

More Pictures (Finally!)

I've tried several different evenings to post these pictures, and the connection keeps cutting out on me. Ugh, dial up is such a pain after being spoiled by Gordon's fast connection for four years! Anyway, here are a couple more pictures from the show:

Here is Patrick, one of Jamie's ponies, wearing Luke's cowboy hat. He's only been sat on once, but came to the show to hang out and get used to things, since he'll be a fancy show pony one day.
Here's a picture of our friend Kate and her horse Ajax. It was the first show ever for both of them and they did great!
Here's another picture of pretty Annie waiting in line for ribbons to be announced.
I call this picture, "the cowboy and the equestrian." Too bad both Annie and Luke had their eyes closed! Oh well, there's always next time.

This is my favorite picture from the show - the gorgeous girl with her reserve champion ribbon and her kind eye up close. She kept moving her head around, but Galen was able to snap this shot and it's so cool!

We had a bit of a crazy weekend up here when the temperature dropped to 45 on Fri. night and it dumped rain, which wasn't in the forecast. We had a bunch of horses outside without sheets, and they were all shivering Sat. morning. When horses get cold like that it's very easy for them to colic, so we were super worried. Thankfully, we only had one horse get sick, and she wasn't too bad. She was living outside and got chilled, so had a bit of a stomach ache for a couple days, but we managed to nurse her back to health on our own over a couple days. However, it required going up to the barn every 2-3 hours on Sat. and Sun. nights, so I'm beat! But now she's better and she's been so sweet that we've decided to go ahead and saddle her tomorrow and start training her to sell.

I also had a great session with Appy this afternoon, a 3-year-old appaloosa/mustang gelding that was given to Jamie last year. I've worked with him about 7 times, put a saddle on him for the 4th time today, and he was so good that I'll ride him for the first time tomorrow! So that's exciting. Maybe we'll even get some pictures.

Well, it's starting to get late so I'm heading up to do night check and then to bed. I'll try and visit everyone else's blogs in the next couple of days, sorry I haven't been keeping up! Hope all's well with everyone; let us know how you're all doing!

Take care,



Melanie said...

For some reason, I can't see your pictures! I'm bummed! It sounds like you're staying busy with all the horses. From reading between the lines, you LOVE what you do! That's so great!

Unknown said...

I can't see the pics either. :-(

Your post made me shiver...brrrr

Erin said...

Hmm... I don't know what's up with those pictures! I'll try to figure out how to make them show up. Otherwise, y'all can see them on - just click on keyword "Annie" or "Erin" or "Patrick" or any of the other names I mentioned. "Eyes" is another good keyword - Galen has lots of cool pictures of horses' eyes that she's taken, and Annie's is in there too.

We are staying busy, but loving it!