
July 17, 2007

Would You Have Guessed This?

You scored as Elinor Dashwood, As Marianne's older sister, Elinor lives at the other end of the emotional spectrum. She rarely reveals her intense feelings and is more concerned with being honest and loyal than having what she deserves. Even though her intentions are pure, she sets herself up for loss by constantly placing other people before her own needs. Overall, Elinor is gentle and rational but is just as capable of radical emotions (despite her withholding them) as her sister.

Elinor Dashwood


Elizabeth Bennet


Jane Bennet


Emma Woodhouse


Marianne Dashwood


Charlotte Lucas


Lady Catherine


Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!
created with

July 16, 2007

"Tasty Little Morsels of Perfect Goodness"

There are many little things in life to be thankful for: the beautiful color on my kitchen walls, the fact that my car gets good gas mileage, a well-braided rawhide honda (guess who contributed that one? ;)), a truck that has over 250,000 miles and is still going strong ("if you can't Dodge it, RAM IT!)... but sometimes even the littler things in life are worth enjoying.

This evening, we had to make a late run into town to deposit some checks and pick up some feed for the barn, so we decided to swing by the grocery store and pick up a few necessities as well. And, well, some not-so-necessities. I try to be very good about making lists, comparing prices, only buying things I need, getting healthy food, never shopping on an empty stomach, etc... but... we were late getting to the store, tired and very hungry since we hadn't had dinner yet. When we walked in, the artisan breads looked so delicious that I picked up a rosemary-olive oil demi loaf and thought, "I'll just have a bite to quell my stomach so I'm not shopping hungry." Yeah, right. Within 10 minutes we had devoured the loaf and sheepishly brought the bag along with us to the cashier... "We were hungry and it looked sooo good, we just couldn't wait!"

And then, all good intentions aside, I looked at the candy bars and completely caved. Splitting Reeses cups (my favorite) with Luke on the way home from the grocery store, the car filled with good food, is definitely one of life's little, simple, slightly naughty pleasures that is oh so good. As Luke put it, "They're tasty little morsels of perfect goodness." You said it, honey!

What are you thankful for today? :)

More Roping Pictures!

Here are some of the great pictures that Jamie's sister Jenny got from Luke and Eric's roping demo:

Luke and Eric, ready for the chase :)

Laying down the cow
Logan holding the rope tight while Luke ties the cow - what a team!Close-up of Luke multi-tasking: controlling his horse, tieing the cow, and answering a question all at the same time! The cows - left to right, Baldy, Big Red and Dolly - happy to be done for the day and ready to go back home!

All in all it was a great day and people really enjoyed the show. Now Luke and Eric are working on gathering a few more cows to rope and practicing for their next big appearance, yet to be scheduled. Luke is going to be giving roping demonstrations for a local corn maze in September and October, but it is as yet undetermined whether or not the cows will be going along for the ride. ;) We'll keep y'all posted on his rise to fame!

July 14, 2007

I'm Sick...

Ugh. Please pray for me. Thursday night I started getting a sore throat, Friday morning it was much, much worse, and Friday afternoon I started getting stuffed up. This morning I could barely talk. After sucking on 18 cough drops I was able to teach two lessons, but my nose is still running like a freight train and is now all red from blowing it all day. Now the summer cold is moving into my chest and this afternoon I've been coughing more. I'm still living on cough drops and have taken several decongestants but they don't seem to be helping at all. Ugh.

I must say I'm not surprised... one of the chore girls has been on vacation this week so I've been filling in, which means early mornings and longer days than I do already. Thurs. and Fri. I worked, then last night was there till midnight braiding a horse for a show today. This morning I was awaken by a phone call because a horse was colicking... and the day just got better from there!

Now, I don't want to complain because this is a very small trial compared to what many people face, but it's frustrating to me because I rarely get sick. So your prayers for my health would be much appreciated.

How can we pray for you? Whether big or small, no request is too small for our Father!

July 11, 2007

In the Newspaper!

Last Saturday, Luke and his friend Eric did a roping demonstration at the bicentenial celebration for a little town about 25 minutes from here. A reporter from the Albany Times Union, one of the biggest newspapers in the area, didn't stay for the demo but took lots of pictures of Luke and Eric practicing their roping beforehand. Although they weren't mentioned in the short article (mostly about the history of the town), both pictures that accompanied the article were of Luke! The paper only posted one picture in the online version though, so here it is:

Jamie's sister Jenny got some wonderful pictures of the actual demo, so hopefully I'll have those to post soon.