
December 31, 2009

6 years ago...

Luke proposed in a dark room, lit only by the Christmas tree lights, a couple of hours after midnight. I, of course said yes! :) It's been a crazy adventure these last six years; so far we've lived on opposite sides of the country, in three different states, and 6 different homes. Let's just say we'd be happy to drastically reduce that number in the next six years!

Looking back, it feels a bit like we've been on a roller-coaster. But despite the ups, downs, and wild turns (or, more likely, because of them), there's no one I'd rather celebrate the New Year with, no one I'd rather have by my side as we open yet another new chapter of our lives. I love you sweetheart! Thank you for all you are, have been, and are committed to being for me.

December 13, 2009

3 months old!

This is a little late, but Clara turned 3 months on December 2nd, it's hard for us to believe she's that old already! She is growing so fast, getting very big and acting very "old." Toys have become a lot more fun this month - she interacts with them and has a couple of favorites that she has long conversations with. Talking is old hat and she doesn't do a whole lot of it anymore, instead she has moved on to lots of squeals and screeches. :) She does not like leaning back against things anymore, she much prefers sitting up and will strain forward, trying to sit up on her own.

We had fun setting up a "studio" on our pull-out couch on her 3-month birthday and taking some special pictures in her Carhartt overalls (6-month size!). She was a great little model! Here are some of our favorites:

Clara had been a little gassy and colicky at night between 2 and 3 months, and it's gotten a little worse since right around 3 months old. We are working with her pediatrician to try and figure out if something specific is causing her discomfort or if it is just "colic" which she will outgrow. We are thankful for an overall healthy baby but would appreciate your prayers as we try and help our little girl be more comfortable.