
December 06, 2010

Christmas Trees of Glory

I don't have many words to say about this, because others have put words to my thoughts more eloquently than I ever could. I will say that the "stuff" of Christmas has seemed much less important and less appealing to us this year. Read Ann over at Holy Experience for more.

If you are also looking for a different way to give this season, you might consider one of these projects or ministries:

Christmas Trees of Glory - helping protect the land that is supporting 84 needy orphans in Ethiopia (and they'll send you gift cards to give to others in lieu of gifts if you so choose!)

Amazima Ministries - sponsoring children in Uganda so that they can go to school, have nutritious food to eat and basic medical care. Amazima also works with their families, educating parents and helping them to find employment when possible. Started by a 21-year old girl whose heart was broken for God on a 10-month trip to Uganda and she now lives there full time with her 14 adopted daughters! Read more at Katie's blog, here.

Serving His Children - also in Uganda, SHC has a feeding program, a malnutrition rehab center, a medical program, and reaches out in many ways to the hurting community around them. Also started by a young woman who felt God's tug on her heart - read more at Renee's blog, here.

There are many other worthy organizations and projects out there, but these are a few that may not have crossed your radar. What will you give to Jesus this Christmas for His birthday?