
May 08, 2006

Finals Time!

The NAMI walk on Sat. was great!

I'm now in the middle of studying for finals. Both of mine are tomorrow (Tues.) - one at 10:30 and one at 2. I'd appreciate prayer today and tomorrow as I'm studying and taking them... although I feel prepared and relatively confident, my body is doing it's lovely nervous-upset-stomach routine. :-P So peace and calm for both body and mind would be great!

The chance of precipitation for Sat. is down to 40%, so that's good but I'm praying it goes down even farther! Kelly, it's only supposed to be 58 degrees so I don't think we'll have to worry about folks passing out (at least not from the heat...).

Okay, back to studying, I just wanted to give a quick update. 4 days until my family arrives (Yay!), 5 days until graduation, and 6 days until we move! Whew!


Unknown said...

the other night, your brothers were estimating whether you actually needed to take your finals in order to graduate. :-)

I hope they all went well!

Nicole said...

How does it feel to be COMPLETELY finished with college???? No more reading, no more papers, no more tests! You'll find yourself thinking, "Isn't there something I should be doing?" The answer won't be no, but it won't be HOMEWORK or STUDYING!!! YAY!!

Have a wonderful time this weekend with your family. With everything you guys have going on this weekend, it will be easy to forget to celbrate this HUGE accomplishment, so remember to CELEBRATE!!