
May 02, 2006

NAMI Walks for the Mind of America

This Saturday, May 5th, rain or shine, Luke and I are participating in the annual NAMIWalks Boston, a 5k (3 mile) walk set up by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, an organization which advocates for the mentally ill and sponsors programs for the mentally ill around the US. We will be going as part of a team from a nearby clubhouse (day program) for folks with mental illness, where I did a project last fall. We'd love to have some sponsors! Money raised will go to support programs for the mentally ill around MA, like Pioneer House, the group we're going with. These programs are incredibly important, as they provide support for folks with a mental illness who are seeking to find gainful employment and integrate into the community. If any of you are interested in sponsoring us, there's an easy way to do so! Simply go to:, scroll down to the US map and click on MA, then scroll down and you'll see a box on the right side that says "Support Our Walk!" - click on "Sponsor a Walker." You can then scroll down, find our names, click on them, and choose how much to donate.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support!

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