
May 09, 2006


I'm DONE with college exams! WOOHOO!!! I had my last final at 2 this afternoon, it was tough but it's done! I have one research paper to polish tonight and tomorrow morning, and then I'll be completely done with college. I can't wait! I'm going to go work on it now so I can be completely, totally, one-hundred-percent no-one-can-say-otherwise DONE!

Oh, and it's pouring buckets out right now but there's only a 20% chance of rain on Sat. (and only 10% on Sun., when we have to move all our stuff!) Yay God! Praying that the rain stays away...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No more papers, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks...

Guess I shouldn't sing that about your mom, huh?!