
May 10, 2006


Yay! I finished my paper this morning, so now I'm completely done with college! I'm excited, but that excitement is tempered by the fact that the weather prediction for Saturday has gotten much worse since yesterday. Now there's a 60% chance of rain all day. NO! Not good. Ugh. Usually I love rain, but now is just not the time for it.

Tonight Luke and I are going to a goodbye party that his company is throwing for him, so that should be fun. Since I finished my paper this morning, I've been packing all day. I got all the dishes packed (and that box is heavy!), and now I'm going to go do glasses and mugs, and maybe pictures (in frames) if I have time before Luke picks me up.

It's only two days until my family gets here! We haven't seen them since Christmas, so that will be a treat.

I'm really, really hoping it doesn't rain!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


The forecast doesn't look good, though. My check on said the chance of precipitation is now...


Sad. Sorry.

But you'll still have a diploma whether you receive it under cover or outside!