
June 22, 2008

Our New Truck!

Luke's truck has been wonderful for many years. It has pulled many heavy loads and made many long trips over the years. It brought us all the way across the country from Montana to Boston with all our belongings in the back three years ago, moved us from Boston to Hoosick Falls, hauled horses to horse shows, demonstrations and trail rides and brought many loads of hay up to the barn. It was a great truck.

However, it also had a lot of miles on it and was starting to have various troubles. Batteries, u-joints, pinion seals, and a very expensive part about the size of a calculator called a power train cellunoid, among other things. Keeping it running was beginning to cost us a lot of money.

So, we decided to bite the bullet and buy a new truck! It was a hard but necessary decision and we are very, very happy and relieved now that everything is done. We went and test drove several trucks on Thurs., made a decision that night and finalized everything on Friday. At 5pm on Friday evening we drove away from the dealership in our beautiful 2005 Dodge Ram 2500 Cummins Turbo Deisel (the best part ;)). Here are a couple of pictures from the dealer's website - we'll take more soon with Luke's signs on it, as they look very snappy!

Although it looks somewhat purple here, it's actually a deep maroon - "molten red" is the official color. :) It's so nice on the inside, I said to Luke today it still feels like I'm riding in a rental vehicle, not one that actually belongs to us! We are enjoying our new vehicle immensely.


beth said...

Luke's signs will show up beautifully on that molten red. Tell him I said to watch out at the car wash ;)


Amber's Roses said...

The truck looks great, Erin and Luke! Congratulations :)