
March 04, 2011

Showing Off...

I will freely admit that, like mothers everywhere, I think my child is just the best there ever is, was or will be. She is the sweetest, smartest, funniest, cutest little kid anyone could ever ask for. Yes, I realize I am biased. I try to keep my bias in mind when interacting with others. But every now and then, I give in to temptation and show off. I just think Clara is so amazing and I want the whole world to know how wonderful she is!

Case in point: two days ago, we were at the grocery store. As we were checking out, Clara was charming the bagger with her smiles, as usual. As our cashier was scanning items, Clara started naming them, "Milk. Juice. Tortilla!!! (one of her current favorites) Eggs." The cashier and bagger were impressed at how smart she was. I was thoroughly enjoying the fun Clara was having seeing and naming all these foods and I'll admit, I was also enjoying the surprise and admiration of those watching her. I pointed into our cart at a bag already filled with produce and asked, "Clara, what's that?" She turned around and, clear as could be, said, "Kale!"

General amazement ensued. The bagger called over a few other people to tell them, "This little girl knows 'kale'! My daughter is only 4 months younger and all she says is 'mama'!"

I was somewhat amazed myself. We have eaten kale before, but it's hardly a common topic of conversation. This little girl continually astonishes me with what she soaks up from the world around her. Watching a person grow is, hands down, the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed.

I am fully aware that, as penance for my niggle of pride and desire to show off, the next time I ask Clara to name something in front of people, she will stare at me with a blank face as if she's never spoken a word in her life. :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

So sweet!! Watch out for that performance spotlight, though--it will come around to bite you. By way of example, we were trying to show off how nicely Rachel can ask the blessing to some friends (they've just learned a new blessing song in playschool). To repay us for our eagerness to show her off, she proceeded to sing a version of the blessing song that somehow involved "booties." And based on the context we were all fairly certain she was NOT talking about those cute little knitted socks!!!