
November 12, 2011


It feels a little strange to me to just put this out there. But, I have already had Christmas queries. I have also been feeling lately like we have lots of "stuff" - particularly for Clara - that never gets used, or isn't great quality, or is just taking up space. We are in the midst of purging and would appreciate gifts that will last and be able to be enjoyed beyond the next 6-12 months (specifically talking about Clara here).

This list is a work in progress and I will be adding to it as the days go by.

If there is something you wish to purchase that is not on this list, please ask yourself these two questions:
Is it beautiful?
Is it truly useful?

And for Clara: Does it spark imagination? Can it be used in different ways? Will it last?

We are so thankful for the generosity of our friends and family always, but especially at this time of year. In light of the bounty God has blessed us with, might you also consider giving to one of these organizations in lieu of a material gift to us?
Amazima Ministries
Serving His Children


The Little Fir Tree - Margaret Wise Brown

Chanticleer and the Fox - Geoffrey Chaucer

Miss Rumphius - Barbara Cooney

Paul Revere's Ride - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

A Child's Garden of Verses - Robert Louis Stevenson

The Little House  - Virginia Lee Burton
Egermeier's Bible Story Book - Elsie E. Egermeier

Other books by: Margaret Wise Brown, Barbara Cooney, Alice and Martin Provenson

Brio or similar wooden track, trains, etc
Nativity set (this one is cute, this one is gorgeous but way expensive!)
Play silks (she has turquoise)
Lacing cards (or supplies to make some)
Crafting supplies: paint brushes, painting paper/construction paper/card stock/other craft papers, felt, large beads/buttons and string, glue, glue sticks, finger paints, popsicle sticks, etc
Wooden toy animals (or fabric would be fine too) - this site has lots of expensive ones, I'm sure there are cheaper options out there, just haven't looked tons (Holztiger wooden animals are available on amazon for less)
Fabric (felt, cotton) or wooden play food (this set of tea bags is especially cute!)

Classical Kids composer CDs (she has Beethoven Lives Upstairs)

For the Family's Sake - Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
Charlotte Mason homeschooling collection 
When Children Love to Learn: A Practical Application of Charlotte Mason's Philosophy for Today - Elaine Cooper

Kitchen scale


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