
March 14, 2013

Feelin' the Love

It's been two weeks since we were offered the job in Winnett. Since making the decision to move and telling our friends and family, we have been so loved and blessed. From meals delivered to packing help, visitors to play with and read to Clara, offers of vehicles to borrow and places to stay on our trip and the many, many prayers that have covered us the whole way, we have truly felt God's love poured out abundantly into our lives through those around us. Many times we have simply looked at each other and not had words to express our astonishment and overwhelming thankfulness for the ways so many people have reached out to us.

As we were heading home earlier this week after sweet time with some dear friends, Luke said to me, "I don't think I ever realized how important we are to them. I didn't think so many people would be genuinely bummed to see us leave!" I had to agree. Seeing the sadness in people's eyes, hearing so many expressions of how much we will be missed and seeing all the ways people have reached out to support us and meet our needs has opened our eyes to how much love we have been surrounded by all these years. We have always appreciated our church and our friends, but I don't think we ever knew just how important we were to people or how many people our lives have genuinely touched. It makes me happy to know that we have blessed so many lives, but also sad that we have not invested more. It also motivates me to make sure the people around us, both here and in our future, know just how important they are to us and how much we love them.

As an extreme introvert, this is something that is hard for me. I don't share my thoughts and feelings easily and, though I often want to reach out to others, I usually don't because I am afraid of intruding or imposing where I might not be wanted. I don't often ask for help for the same reasons. Being in a situation where we have SO much to do in such a short amount of time has forced me to be more open about our needs and ask for specific help which I would not have otherwise done. For example, I would normally never ask someone to make a meal for our family unless I was very sick or incapacitated in some way. However, last week when a friend offered help, I asked if she would mind making us a meal, since it had been hard for me to get good dinners on the table between packing and taking Clara to swimming lessons. She was delighted to fulfill a specific need and we have since had a few other dinners delivered, which has been a HUGE blessing to our family. Often, in the past, I have told people, "If you need anything, please call!" and I really do genuinely mean anything. But I have rarely gotten that call. In the future I will ask, "What is one specific thing you need?" Because now I have felt the love of having specific needs recognized and met, and it has been such a sweet, sweet blessing.

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