
April 06, 2006

Changing Chapters

Hi everyone! We figured this would be a good way to keep all of our friends near and far updated on our lives, particularly as we move into this new, crazy time of transition. There are now only 27 days till the last day of classes, 37 days until graduation, and 38 days until we move to Hoosick Falls, NY for a new chapter of adventures at Higher Ground Farm. We can't wait!

Luke continues to enjoy his work here, and we'll be sad to leave his wonderful company behind. He usually comes home with a cache of funny stories to tell while dinner's cooking, and will often start laughing during the evening over something else that he forgot to tell me earlier. Lately he's been enjoying watching Buck Brannaman training videos which we borrowed from Jamie, and investigating training techniques on the internet. Who would have imagined that my cowboy husband would ever spend most of his evenings on a computer!?

I am working away on my research project with MKs, trying to gather as many non-MK participants as possible before Monday, which Dr. Phillips has declared the participation deadline. I think we're both wondering if I got in over my head trying to include too many factors in a too-complicated design (it all seemed so simple in my head!), but we're also both looking forward to analyzing the data over the next couple of weeks and seeing if any of the results are significant. Hopefully they will be, because I've committed to present a poster on my research at a student research symposium on the last day of classes!

I'm also currently working on a reflective journal on Matthew's Gospel, and a paper on the integration of faith and mental disorder - my last two papers for college!

Oh, and I was asked to talk for 5 minutes on Monday at a session for accepted students on "Internships and Success Stories"! I didn't even know I had done an internship until I got an email on Tuesday asking me to talk about working on the AME conference with Dr. Cook last semester, how that's helped my research this spring, and what I plan to do after Gordon. One of the other women we worked with is in Admissions at Gordon, and apparently she recommended me, even though Dr. Cook and I were both surprised to find out I'd done an internship!

That's most of the news from the Ferrin basement! We're loving daylight savings time and the weather continues to get warmer, although we did have some snow yesterday, which was pretty crazy. We're crossing our fingers that it will just continue to get warmer and we'll have beautiful weather on May 13th so that graduation can be held outside.

We love you all,

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