
April 06, 2006

Hi everybody! I thought I'd try and add my two cents here! I do really enjoy my job here, although I can't wait to move to Hoosick. I am in the process now of getting my own rawhide braiding/leatherworking business started. I will be making custom reins, chaps, bridles, martingales, hobbles, cinches...anything that has to do with horse tack, I'll do. I already have some people interested in chaps and Mecate reins, so hopefully that will take off well. I will be the only person in that area that people can buy directly from; the only other person lives in Rhode Island, and she is going out of business, so that gives me a leg up!
I am also looking into starting my own pole barn building company along with Eric Ziehm. There is quite a market for agricultural structures like that around there, so we should stay pretty busy!
So, lots of big plans, big dreams! Thank you all so much for your many prayers and your wonderful support! We love you all and feel very privileged to have you in our lives. Feel free to stop by anytime and chat. We'll most likely be on a horse, but that's okay. We can still talk, Stirrup to Stirrup!

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